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Psychology Essays

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Example Psychology Essays (Page 6)

ADHD and Working Memory on Intelligence, Reading Ability, and Peer Relationships
Example essay. Last modified: 26th Jul 2021
Introduction: This study will combine the findings of other studies to build upon this research on how working memory abilities affect children with and without ADHD. In particular, this study will be multi-faceted and examine three measures: intelligence, reading ability, and social encoding. The goal is to have a better understanding of how the working memory of children with ADHD affects these measures....

The Relation Between Rubber Hand Illusion
Example essay. Last modified: 22nd Jul 2021
Introduction: The rubber hand illusion has important implications for interoception because it implies that information from proprioceptors- the mechanoreceptors in the hand and arm- can be overridden fairly easily by visual information. However, it is important to remember that it is not visual information alone that the participant is subject to; they are also receiving proprioceptive input to their unseen hand....

The Five Stages of Perception
Example essay. Last modified: 22nd Jul 2021
Introduction: Perception is the process which people are aware of objects and events in the external world. Perception occurs in five stages: stimulation, organization, interpretation-evaluation, memory and recall. People studied perception as the need to solve a particular problems, arise simply from intellectual curiosity about themselves and the world....

Criticisms and Strengths of Psychoanalysis
Example essay. Last modified: 21st Jul 2021
Introduction: The second criticism is psychoanalysis is too focusing on childhood experience. In viewing mental tendencies and activities from this standpoint we must include not only our infantile but also our phylogenetic and ontogenetic....

Psychological Assessment of Will Hunting in 'Good Will Hunting'
Example essay. Last modified: 21st Jul 2021
Introduction: The portrayal of Will Hunting in the film Good Will Hunting is of a unique individual with exceptional gifts who cannot be easily reduced to a generalize type of individual (Bender & Van Sant, 1997). However, the theme of the film, a fear of entering into life fully, in both in relationships and vocation, out of fear of being hurt, is universal....

The 4 Core Concepts of Person Centered Therapy
Example essay. Last modified: 20th Jul 2021
Introduction: There are four core concepts for the Person-Centered Approach. The first concept is self-actualization. Self-Actualization is the tendency for a person to reach their fullest potential through self-discovery and personal growth...

Tuskegee Syphilis Study Ethics
Example essay. Last modified: 20th Jul 2021
Introduction: The ethical research concerns surrounding the Tuskegee Syphilis Study continues to influence the revisions of the APA code of conduct, the standard of care expected for all patients, legislative orders to protect human rights, and social perspectives of health care providers....

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Case Study Research
Example essay. Last modified: 19th Jul 2021
Introduction: This work is to present the case study as a research approach, showing that its characterization is not an easy task, due mainly to its many different approaches and applications. It highlights its increasing importance as a research tool, exploring its origins, meanings and delineation as an investigation methodology. ...

Analysis of Mental Illness via Girl, Interrupted (1999)
Example essay. Last modified: 19th Jul 2021
Introduction: In the movie, Susanna (Winona Ryder) is diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. Susanna bonds with a few different patients, including Lisa (Angelina Jolie) with sociopathic personality disorder, Daisy; Bulimia, Georgina; pathological liar and Janet as Anorexic....

The main concepts of the Behaviorist Perspective Theory
Example essay. Last modified: 19th Jul 2021
Introduction: As a reaction to the introspective analysis method in psychology and the focus on the study of mental processes, conscious or unconscious that dominated the beginning of the last century and was considered the object of psychology at that time, a new approach was developed under the name of behaviorism....

CBT in the Treatment of GAD
Example essay. Last modified: 19th Jul 2021
Introduction: In understanding how CBT interventions are used in treating GAD, we must understand the model of worry that it is founded. Beck (1976) fashioned the most commonly used types of anxiety model, which connects feelings and thinking....

Factors in the 5 P's Model of Formulation
Example essay. Last modified: 19th Jul 2021
Introduction: The CBT formulation consists of 5 key stages which is known as the 5 P’s model. The 5 P which I will be mentioning are: presenting issues, precipitating, perpetuating, predisposing and protective factors.  Within the ‘Presenting issues stage’ its about looking at the current problems or issues the person is facing, to get a clear understanding of what they are and then set goals or targets based around this....

Understanding the Code of Ethics for Therapists
Example essay. Last modified: 13th Jul 2021
Introduction: The personal philosophy of ethics may be very complicated and sometimes baffling, this is why as therapists we have to have a receptive mindset....

Controlled Cognitive Engagement for Detecting Deceptive Passengers
Example essay. Last modified: 13th Jul 2021
Introduction: The results of the study show that veracity testing methods, like the CCE method developed by the researchers, are significantly more effective at detecting deceptive passengers....

Pros and Cons of Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Method Research
Example essay. Last modified: 9th Jul 2021
Introduction: The strengths and weaknesses of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method research leading to a justification for combining qualitative and quantitative methods....

The Psychoanalytic Explanation Of Criminal Behaviour
Example essay. Last modified: 24th Jun 2021
Introduction: Psychological theories have tried to explain why and how the crime occurs. The psychoanalytic point of view, two main theories: Freud’s theory of stages of sexual development and the theory of addition of Intent by Bowlby in 1947. These theories conclude that there is a correlation between the formation of personality in childhood and future criminal behavior....

Holding and Containing - Winnicott (1960)
Example essay. Last modified: 24th Jun 2021
Introduction: The psychoanalytic terms “holding” and “containing” originate, from the writings of two prominent psychoanalysts: ‘Holding’ in the papers of Winnicott (1960); ‘containing’ in the papers of Bion (1962). The current focus in psychoanalysis of emotional nurture and exchange rather than one of hedonic satisfaction, is primarily as result of Winnicott’s writings and observations. ...

Psychology Theories of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Example essay. Last modified: 24th Jun 2021
Introduction: Evaluate the contribution of psychological perspectives in the treatment of specific behaviours, states of consciousness and emotional states that are associated with OCD. I am going to be writing about how different psychological perspectives contribute to the treatment of OCD and associated factors. Psychological perspective Key characteristics of the perspective used to explain the cause of OCD Analysis of the perspective to effectively explain ...

History of Psychodynamic Theory
Example essay. Last modified: 27th May 2021
Introduction: The history of the Psychodynamic began in 1874, when Sigmund Freud began his studies at the University of Vienna under the tutorage of Ernst Wilhelm von Brücke. ...

Biological and Environmental Factors for Anxiety
Example essay. Last modified: 27th May 2021
Introduction: Through the course of development starting from childhood and following into the years of adolescence, there can be a variety of factors that may certainly influence how a child experiences and reacts to different outcomes within their young lives...

Essay on the Psychological Immune System
Example essay. Last modified: 10th May 2021
Introduction: The psychological immune system is what a human's brain does by cooking up facts that turn negative situations into a positive situation. In the passage, ...

Theories in Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Example essay. Last modified: 19th Apr 2021
Introduction: As Industrial and Organizational Psychology isn’t exactly a new branch of science, there is plenty of research and theory readily already available to future researchers. These theories span from behavioral theories, to leadership theories and beyond. Behavioral theory is most commonly applied however in Industrial and Organizational Psychology....

Relationship between Physical and Mental Health
Example essay. Last modified: 23rd Feb 2021
Introduction: Recent studies often talk about mental health and physical health, but it is necessary to look for both of them together....

Diagnosing and Treating Mysophobia
Example essay. Last modified: 24th Nov 2020
Introduction: Kara is a 22 year old female presenting with obsessive-compulsive disorder, including obsessions related to germs. Cara reports that she uses hand-sanitizers every time she touches a surface, even in her own home....

The General Self-Efficacy Scale
Example essay. Last modified: 24th Nov 2020
Introduction: Self-efficacy can be defined as an “individual’s belief concerning their ability to meet desired outcomes in life” (Azizli et al., 2015) and was first introduced by Albert Bandura. Bandura sets an establishment of relationship between a...

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